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Pony League Contacts

Jim Karabas

Derek Chatterton



Equipment Rules


All metal/alloy, and/or composite bat or any combination therein meeting these requirements is approved:

·      Bat Barrel Width:  2-5/8’ maximum

·      Bat Length:  34” maximum

·      Bat differential: -5 maximum (NOTE:  There is no differential rule for smaller barrel sizes (e.g 2-1/4’ dia). 

·      ‘Bat Performance Factor” (BPF) of -1.15

·      All bats stamped with BBCOR insignia willl be allowed:   

All Wood Bats meeting these requirements are approved:

·      Bat Barrel Width: 2-5/8” maximum

·      Bat Length:  34” maximum


Blue Dog/Royal Dog/Green Dog Teams:

Spikes are permitted with the exception of those games that are played at West Park in Wilmette, where only cleats or sneakers are permitted (field is artificial turf).

Crimson Dogs:

Cleats only on all fields.